Ethel Smyth: Concerto for Violin and Horn
Ethel Smyth (1858-1944) was an English composer and fierce suffragist best remembered for her “March of the Women,” used as an anthem for the British Women’s Suffrage movement, as well as her operas Der Wald (1899-1901) and The Wreckers (1904). Smyth was a remarkable woman who, despite losing her hearing later in life, continued composing well into her 70s. One of these such later works was Smyth’s Concerto for Violin and Horn (1926), an outstanding piece of music that follows traditional sonata forms while experimenting with timbre and harmony. The double concerto (also available in a smaller arrangement for horn, violin, and piano) is an excellent addition to the repertoire of works for horn and orchestra, but could also be easily programmed alongside any number of other horn trios, such as those by Brahms, Raum, and more! Enjoy!!
For more information, check out Janiece Marie Leudeke’s amazing dissertation here!
Listening Recommendations
REPresent: Works for Horn by Underrepresented Composers
Looking for Horn Music?
For the last few years I have been collecting the names of works written by composers who have been traditionally marginalized by Classical music, such as women and people of color. Here you will find the product of my effort, organized by genre. These lists can never truly be complete, so I will expand on them as frequently as I can. Please reach out to me if you notice any errors, are aware of any additional works I can include, or are a composer who would like their works either added or removed from this list!