“Actually you never eyeball a horn player. That’s one of the real rules. You just don’t. They’re stuntmen. You don’t eyeball stuntmen just before they’re about to go near death.”
Dr. Caiti Beth McKinney has built a thriving, multi-faceted career as a chamber and orchestral horn player, educator, researcher, and activist. In pursuit of gender and racial equity in musical programming practices, she founded REPresent, an open access database of works for horn written by composers from underrepresented backgrounds, highlighting the intersections of repertoire and representation, and further serves as the Research Manager for the Boulanger Initiative, a non-profit that advocates for all gender-marginalized composers. Caiti Beth has served as the adjunct Professor of Horn at Florida International University and the Fourth Horn with the Palm Beach Symphony and the Florida Grand Opera, amongst a variety of other ensembles..